Romney began in Britain , after making comments to
NBC that the problems leading up to London 2012 were
“disconcerning” and questioning whether we could “come together and celebrate
the moment.” Cue a media stoning, labelling him as “Mitt the Twit” after
our opening ceremony was hailed as one of the best of all-time and the
atmosphere at the Games reached fever-pitch.
Next, the Twit went to Israel ,
where he announced to the world that Jerusalem
was the capital of Israel –
unaware of their conflict with Palestine .
Romney also cited “cultural” differences as the reason for Israel ’s greater economic successes when
compared to Palestine .
So far, so bad for Romney but surely he was done, right?
Wrong. Romney is set to bring back that old American pastime
of Russian bashing, during a speech to the Warsaw
University in Poland . Mitt
has previously said Russia
is America ’s
“No 1 geopolitical foe” and he seems ready to
fan the flames of conflict and encourage Vladimir Putin to bring it.
The trip has been branded a “Romneyshambles” but it is far
from that. The Twit certainly angered a lot of people but for him, it was a
resounding success. The important thing for Romney is the money he raised on
the way. The event in Israel ,
for example, was a $25,000-a-head fundraiser with guests such as the owner of
the New York Jets, Woody Johnson and Sheldon Adelson, a casino magnate. There
was a similar event in London
too, where tickets cost between $50,000 and $75,000 and featured a number of
executives from everyone’s favourite bank of the moment, Barclays, who
have donated more than $1 million to Romney’s campaign.
Such is the nature of politics, that a trip so disastrous
can actually benefit a candidate. In what is being called the most expensive
presidential campaign of all-time, the
battle for money between Romney and Obama is becoming a global operation.
And in a race where the polls are so tight, it will be advertising and
campaigning that will win the White House.
However this trip has shown me that Mitt Romney is not ready
for the presidency. If the leader of the free world cannot travel it without
offending everyone he comes across, how could he possibly represent the U.S. on the
national stage? When foreign media describe him as “rude” or “graceless”
perhaps he has a lot of work to do. Before people say that I am biased, yes, I
am. I pray that Obama keeps the presidency because I believe he is one of the
best presidents in modern history. Yes, it is a bit unfair to criticise Romney
for one bad trip. But when you come to Britain as a Presidential candidate, a
country that you have previously praised for the special relationship it shares
with your homestead, it is not a great sign when you leave looking ridiculous.
As the days go by, the prospect of President Romney is
looking more and more realistic. Obama is being punished for a sluggish economy
and gloomy unemployment figures. All Romney has to do is keep his mouth shut
and come November, he could ride the wave of recession all the way to the White
House. After that though is anyone’s guess. He will have control of the big red
button and I do not know who I would trust more: Mr Bean or the Twit.
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